Friday, October 30, 2015

Typical Things

Today's blog is going to be random because I'm going to talk about Typical things that we all have in common or that we all have been through.
Okay so we're all different, we all have different characteristics that makes us different, Although we're are the same in many things,and when those things happen we say "Typical". A very typical thing is to bug your friends. Son here is an example on how to troll your friends.
Step 1:Get a dog
Step 2: Name the dog "who"
Step 3:Invite your friend to your house
Step 4:Show your dog to your friend, and let the magic happen

(Example) You"So this is my house."
You" And this is my dog."
Friend "oh,how cute,and what's his name?"
Friend "The dog's"
You"What about the dog?"
Friend "What's his name?"
Friend"The dog's"
Friend"THE DOG'S!"
Friend"Ok Who can tell me what the dog's name is!!!!???"
You"Who can't talk"
Friend"who can't talk?"
And that is how you troll your friend with a dog.
Okay so a made a little list of Typical things that happen,hope you like it.
1.Typiacal that on the first day of school you write beautiful and the second day you write like a doctor.
2.Typical that you open the fridge 40 times and there is no food.
3.Typical that you open a bag of chips of a pack of gum in class and everyone asks you for one.
4.Typical that you go to the bathroom and there is no toilet paper.
5.Typical to turn the pillow to feel the cold side.
6.Typical that loom horrible in you ID
7.Typical that Wikipedia does your homework
8.Typical that you go to China and there is a lot of Chinese people
9.Typical sit somewhere and get stuck to your pants.
10.Typiacal that you spend hours looking at the ceiling imagening thigs that are never going to happen.
Well guys this is this week's blog post. I hope that you liked this blog. Thanks for taking the time to read this,I really appreciate it! I Hope you guys have an awesome Halloween! Bye-Bye:)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Astral projection (or astral travel)

Today's blog will be random because I'm going to talk about something that I discovered a few days ago,some of you may now about it already I really don't know. So as you can see on the tittle of this blog.I'm going to talk about Astral projection (or astral travel). Astral projection is-"an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it." I found this on Wikipedia.So in other words astral projection is when your soul leaves your physical body and you traveling outside it. I think this is really cool thing to do.I heard that there are some dangers of astral projection.some people say that you may die ect. Personally believe it is possible, but highly unlikely that you will die while you are astral. I believe there are beings out there powerful enough and strong enough to sever your silver cord while you’re astral, but I think the actual chance of this happening is really small. Your silver cord is the tether that keeps your astral and physical bodies attached while you’re incarnated.(Silver cord-life thread of the antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body.found in online dictionary) Many people are also to get lost and that they might not be able to get back to their body.This is almost impossible because getting lost is like forgetting where you live. If you aver try or have Astral projection have fun with it don't be afraid to explore around.But also be careful and if it starts to get dangerous or you see something you don't like just stop doing it. Well guys this was this week's blog. Hope that you guys have a great weekend or week. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, I appreciate it! Bye-Bye :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

About Me :)

No random or video game blog today, sorry. I realized that people that reads my blogs doesn't know anything about me, so I'm going to do a list of facts about me.(about 20 of them)
1.I'm a girl
2.My favorite food is pizza
3.My favorite color is blue
4.I'm a Scorpio
5.My birthday is on October 27
6.I'm a really crazy and weird person once you get to know me.
7.I love to draw
8.I love anime
9.My favorite singer is Enrique Iglesias
10.My favorite anime character is Natsu Dragneel (From fairy tail)
11.My favorite video games are Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 6
12.I speak English and Spanish
13.I do most of my things last minute 14.My Favorite subject is Math
15.I love chocolate
16.I mostly dress black and I don't know why
17.When I text I always use "XD" a lot 18.I love chocolate cake
19.I'm really bad at science and history
20.I rarely use matching socks because I think it's boring to wear matching socks
Well I hope that you liked this blog,I know it probably wasn't really entertaining but, I wanted my readers to get to know me a little bit. Thank you guys for reading my blogs,I really appreciate it:) Have a good week or weekend! Bye-Bye

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Persons That Annoy Me!!

Today's blog will be random,because today I'm going to talk about the people that annoy me as you can see on the tittle of this blog.I'm only going to talk about five types of persons that annoy me and maybe I'll do a second part,ok so lets get started.
The first person that annoys me is the know it all person.This person annoy me because he or she is always correcting you. I mean being corrected is good but every five seconds gets annoying!
The second person that annoys me is the person that thinks that they are perfect. The reason why this person annoys me is because no one in the world is perfect and everyone makes mistakes,its part of life you know. And making them saying that they are perfect makes them NOT PERFECT
! The third person that annoys me is the the person that talks to you when you have headphones. The reason why this person annoys me is that they have all day to talk to you they become very talkative persons in the world at the time you put your headphones on.
The fourth person that annoys me is the person that criticize another people but if you say something about them they will get ofended easily. Here is an example.....
"What type of music is this now days," said a Girl.
"I mean rock is just sound,and pop is just a really dumb music,and lets not talk about electronic it is so predictable."
The Boy says "Well I think that the type of music that you lisen to its not that good either."
The Girl responds with an offended voice "Well I think that you should learn to respect what other persons like."
isnt this just annoying!!
The fifth person is that person that has that blogger account,and talks about the people that annoyed her. Those persons really annoy me!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Mission:Saving The President's Daughter (Final Part)

On the second part of this story Leon was heading back to the church and then Leon the ground starded shaking Leon was frozen when he saw what was in front of him.Leon knew that he was in danger when he saw this giant zombie..yes..a..giant...zombie..or at least that is what it look like.Leon knew that it wil be a big job to eliminate this thing. Leon only had about forty bullets to eliminate it, he try to find his weak spot which aparently was the head.Leon used up all the bullets,and he saw this case close to the door so he ran to the case and their was this launcher which is one of the most powerful type of fire.Leon eliminate the giant zombie or whatever that was,with the launcher. Leon head back where Ashley was been held.Leon placed the round thing and opened the door,climb up a ladder and saw that there were some bars that were around the up door where Ashley was,so he jumped to one side to another and found something that might open the door.There where this lights(green,red,and blue)that you were supose to turn.Leon figure out how the shape that was supose to be. Leon open the door and Asheley was there Ashley was Afraid of Leon because she didn't know who it was so she started to throw anything that she could find.Untill Leon told her what was happening. Leon little did he know that this was the beginig of struggling and a adventure.This parts that I have done are only the introduction to the whole story.If you are interest to see the rest of the story tell me in the comments or buy the game, I really recomend it.